Saturday, 23 April 2016

Spring Ritual

"Spring Ritual"  -   painting by Meg Watson

The dancing daffodils are leaving us again for another year.

 Yellow trumpet heralds have already gone and the others are fast fading.

Thank you for visiting

Shared with :       Soulfood Friday     Today's Flowers      Mosaic Saturday     Saturday's Critters
                           Seasons      Mosaic Monday       Our World Tuesday


Anonymous said...

so great! P.

Tom said...

spring has sprung in your neck of the woods

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love the gorgeous flowers. It is a lovely spring. Great captures of the crow. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

GreenComotion said...

Lovely close-ups of the flowers!
Have a Happy Day!!
Peace :)

The Furry Gnome said...

Our Daffodils are going to bloom any day now.

Tomoko said...

Daffodils blooming is a cheerful sign of spring! You captured those flowers well.
I hope you have a good spring.

Christine said...

Hello! came from Eileen's Critters link up to admire those lovely daffodils...ours have all but said farewell too.
What a great shot of the crow watching you watching him!
Hope you can visit

Pondside said...

I have a thing for crows - they photograph so beautifully and their intelligence comes through in the picture. The daffodils are finished here and the tulips nearly finished. A very hot spell sped everything along.

DeniseinVA said...

Fabulous photos Ruby! The artwork is so colorful and you have taken great shots of all the daffodils, and love how the crow is staring right at you. Thank you for for linking with Today's Flowers, and happy weekend :)

Karin M. said...

Such shining flowers ....
a sun spring ...
a very nice series of photos.
Greetings, Karin

Unknown said...

I love the daffodils. Ours will bloom soon.

Tammie Lee said...

Such a wonderful Spring painting, fun too!
So enjoyed seeing your spring photos, love the raven.

Anonymous said...

Love the painting - what is the Spring ritual? Your captures are out of this world! Many thanks for being a part of SEASONS with these absolutely beautiful photos! There's no way I van choose a favorite:):) Have a happy week and see you soon:) You are lucky I just caught this before going to bed. The others will have to wait till Sunday night (here in California).

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Wonderful images, Ruby!
The daffodils may be fading but they do look gorgeous. Thank you for sharing!
Have a lovely Sunday!

Anonymous said...

so wonderful, absolutly great.
Have a sunny sunday

Minoru Saito said...

Hi,Ruby. Your mosaic photo is fascinating. I like your macro photo too. Thanks for sharing.

riitta k said...

Your daffodils are gorgeous. I find the Spring Ritual also fascinating. Wishing you a good new week!

abrianna said...

Beautiful bright daffodils. It is too mild here for them to grow and I miss them.

dritanje said...

It's a lovely way to let Meg's paintings be seen and appreciated.
The daffodils are still here, but here is always a little later than the city.
I'm glad you included the watchful crow - fabulous!
M xx

betty-NZ said...

These are such cheery and beautiful flowers to see each spring! Your bird looks like you caught him in a bad mood!

Rajesh said...

Very beautiful and pretty flowers.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I know that daffodils don't stay with us for a long time (I remember from when we used to grow them in Oregon) but aren't they wonderful while they last! (And at least you have them for a while -- none here in our part of Florida -- and I miss them.) Thanks for sharing yours.

CountryMouse said...

Those daffodils are gorgeous!

Ohmydearests said...

beautiful post! love the close-up shot of the daffodil! and the crow shot is great too!

Anonymous said...

Lovely spring shots.

Ingrid said...

Such beautiful spring pictures, so nice to see especially when it hails outside !

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous daffodil macro photography and love the colorful and creative art work!

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

KL said...

Stunning photography. Who knew that the inside of the daffodil is so warm and fuzzy..true daffodils are leaving us for another year..sigh...

colleen said...

Love the art and the daffodil close-ups gave me a visceral reaction.

Hannah said...

Colorful art and I like your tribute to the daffodil, they really do make spring begin for me. I love the big trumpets and the tiny trumpets, and especially the scented ones. The cherry bark glistening makes a beautiful setting for the blackness of the crow, Ruby.

Donna said...

Daffodils are a spring ritual....they bring such cheer!

and LivingFromHappiness

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Looks like you have crows with attitude in your area too, pretty daffodils.

Ida said...

Very vibrant painting. - The Daffodils were very pretty. They do come and go quickly. Just loved the shot of the Raven/Crow in the tree.

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful set of spring images :)

Cath said...

Lovely Spring images....I do wish those blooms would last longer!

stardust said...

Sorry to be late. I love Daffodils flowering gregariously which always reminds me of a poem by Wordsworth. I found Blackbird, which I’m unfamiliar with, was so beautiful.


Red Rose Alley said...

The birds and the flowers; it doesn't get much better than that, does it?


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