Friday, 20 March 2015

Water - Air - Earth - Fire

Water maps on sand

         Today we celebrate the Spring Equinox (Northern Hemisphere) ......

         the first day of Spring  .......

         a new moon  ........

         and the Solar Eclipse  ........

         March 22nd is World Water Day

Ploughed earth

"Burnt Hills"  -  textile wall hanging (detail)

Maddy meets a spaniel pup called Ruby!

Thank you for visiting

Shared with      Skywatch Friday     Saturday's Critters     Scenic Weekends
                          I Heart Macro         Mosaic Monday                   


Jim said...

Amazing photos. I like your style.

Rajesh said...

Fantastic series of images.

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! The Dog called Ruby is very cute. Ruby is very good name.I enjoyed your photos very much.Cherry blossoms would start to bloom after few days of the Spring Equinox in Tokyo. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Lovely photos! The dogs are so cute. Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

Such gorgeous and abstract shots. It's cloudy here so we might not see the solar eclipse or a nice spring equinox sunset...

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Dream on with the eclips, it's too cloudy, I saw the last one anyway

biebkriebels said...

Beautiful photos!

Poppy said...

Like the waves of the sea, spring, too, has splashed its breezy beauty upon the earth. Gorgeous photos!


Gemma Wiseman said...

So love your details of the watery sands and the waves. So very beautiful. And fascinating textures and tones in your wall hanging.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Thank you for sharing the joy! Every image is perfect for the title of your post and of course for scenic weekends.

Tom said...

They are all great, but the Brunt Hills is outstanding. Tom the Backroads Traveller

Alexa T said...

Wonderful visions of water, soil and sky... gorgeous serie of embroidery in sand!!! due to the cloudy sky, I had no chance to observe the eclipse. But, I found that on 22 will be the world Water Day, grace to your amazing post... isn't lovely?
So, a happy Spring and a sunny weekend, too!

Ingrid said...

All very beautiful pictures, love the last one !

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Stunning textures - a new way to look at things.

eileeninmd said...

Cute pups! I love the beach and sky shots! Thanks for linking up, happy weekend!

Ramakrishnan said...

Stunning pictures-a joy to behold !

Bob Bushell said...

Superb images of the water, the beach and Maddy.

carol l mckenna said...

All very creative photos ~ such textures on something are awesome ~ cute 'puppy meet up'

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. Love the cute dogs at the end.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the last shot for critters today. Have a lovely weekend

Magia da Inês said...

Combinação perfeita de belas imagens! Seja bem-vinda a primavera!!!

Ótima semana!
Tudo de bom!

Mrs Shoes said...

I found you through 'Saturday's Critters'.

Beautiful photos - my favourites were 'Water maps on Sand' & 'a new moon', but I must admit that I cannot resist a Cavalier puppy!

Please feel welcome to stop by my place sometime!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

You sure have an appreciation for the textures that can be found in life and I like your description of water maps in the sand.
Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Gorgeous images! Thank you for sharing!

bj said...

Most awesome photos....
those little dogs are both so so cute...

fredamans said...

I love those clouds!

Donna said...

Oh I adore the beach and water and I love how you put this together and the mosaic of the beach...

Tammie Lee said...

such beautiful glimpses
and i love your fabric art!
such a joy to see.

perhaps you want to peak at my other blog and see if you want to join us this coming weekend with the theme pollinators? Link is on my sidebar.

J C said...

Awesome photos!!

A Colorful World said...

Interesting shots! I love the waves!

ruma said...

Hello. Your work is Superb.
Greetings from Japan. ruma

stardust said...

The tide change on the day of a new moon or solar eclipse, sky with clouds, … , I like the way how you look at the nature and capture it, Ruby. Burnt Hills is spring thing and reminds me of healthy growth of grass after that. Maddy and Ruby are so cute!


Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Boa tarde, lindas fotos, as mesma são elucidativas da falta de agua em certos pontos do planeta, os registos tem uma cor excelente.

dritanje said...

I adore the subtle colours on the sea surface, once again reflected in your 'Burnt Hills' fabric hanging. You got to see the eclipse it seems, it was clear sky here too, and I watched the shadow grow over the light through a pinhole. And the strangeness of the light. What a strange, unsettling time. The fierce planetary alignment is set to gradually become less intense.
M xx

Minoru Saito said...

Hi,Ruby. The sea at the Spring Equinox is very beautiful. There was a a total eclipse of the moon in our country. But It was cloudy in Tokyo. I could not see the eclipse. You met a puppy named Ruby? The serendipity would happen in near future for you and your dog. Thanks for sharing.

magiceye said...

Beautiful, serene and vibrant images!!


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