Sunday, 10 December 2017

Pilgrimage - A Journey

My painting  -   "Pilgrimage - a journey"  -  (150 cm x 50 cm)

                  Acrylic on canvas  -  the centre line (path) is gold.                           


The painting is at present out on loan, getting on with it's own life journey.

Tree trunks often end up on the seashore like beached whales,waiting to be floated
back out to sea on a powerful high tide.

Their journey fascinates me.
This one looks as though it escaped from a saw mill in mid procedure!

Saw marks,decay spots and growth markings create interesting patterns.

Organic and other material, washed ashore by the tide.

Thank you for visiting

Shared with :    All Seasons    Mosaic Monday   Our World Tuesday   Image-in-ing   WATW
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