Sunday, 20 March 2016

Inspired by Water

My painting  "Inspired by Water" (Detail)    -   acrylic and gold paints on canvas (130cm x130cm) 

Sand Dunes  -  Starlings  -  Princess  - A  Carrion  Crow

Today March 20th is the Spring Exuinox
Tuesday March 22nd is World Water Day

We are on a beach in East Lothian watching a small stream gurgle out to the sea.
The patterns look like flowing curly hair.........with paw prints!

My dogs want to see what I'm looking at and walk about in front of me, sometimes
 casting shadows or standing on the subject.

Water patterns echo Maddy's  flowing wavy hair.

Shadow dog and waves on the sand
The dark marks are fine coal dust washed up from the sea bed.

In a near-by town yachts are being prepared for the Spring launch in early April.

The old harbour, once used by fishing vessels, now serves modern needs.

As we are about to leave,a bride floats by accompanied by an group of spectators with
 children, buggies and dogs.

The wedding party is on it's way to a photo shoot on the old harbour wall.

I'm reminded of  19th century images depicting strong women in local fishing communities.

Morelle Smith has written a beautiful "inspired by water" post on her blog  Rivertrain  ........  HERE

Thank you for visiting

Images (14)  -  Painting by Alexander Ignatius  -  photo Google Images

Shared with     Saturday's Critters      Mosaic Monday     Seasons
                      Our world Tuesday     Friends Meet Friends    NF - DAM

Friday, 4 March 2016

Pink Reflections

Driftwood sculpture.

Looks interesting  -  perhaps it smells interesting too!

Maddy and Poppy investigate .......

Charred wood heart .....

.......... was it shaped by accident or intent?

Thank you for visiting

Shared with      Skywatch Friday      Camera Critters      Saturday's Critters     Mosaic Monday
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