Sunday, 27 October 2013

October Days

Painting recently finished  -  130cm x 130cm  -  so far untitled.

It's the energy of the cusp period between Summer and Autumn.

Photos taken in mid October in a beautiful small town public park in Perthshire.

All park images are by Margaret.

Thank you for visiting

Shared with      OUR WORLD TUESDAY

                        MOSAIC MONDAY

                        A PIECE OF HEAVEN

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Morning Walk

One warm morning last week week after leaving Poppy at the veterinary clinic for dental work,I took the
opportunity to explore nearby woods with my other two dogs Maddy and Princess.
Our vet's practice is in the country a few miles outside the city and it's always
 relaxing to go for a walk after visits.

Fallen lime and sycamore leaves.

Everything is still very green and trees seem reluctant to change to autumn dress.

We've come to the end of the track. This ford is probably used by forestry vehicles.
Crossings like this on shallow parts of rivers have been used for centuries to move carts and livestock.

We leave calm woods and head for the windy beach.

Waves created by the wind, in shallow pools.

Wind blown Princess.

The out going tide leaves amazingly intricate patterns and shapes in the sand.
I see this one as the plumed serpent Quetzalcoatl,Mayan god of life,

wisdom,the arts,astronomy,the calendar and the winds.

Searching the internet for an image of Quetzalcoatl, I found this mural by the celebrated Mexican artist
Diego Rivera (1886-1957).   Interestingly there's a dog here too!

Another plumed serpent?

Thank you for visiting.


Diego Rivera mural - image source  Wikipedia
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